1·Termitomyces Heim (1941) is a kind of edible mushrooms with a good business prospects.
2·It is feasible that the method of grey related degree analysis may be applied in the synthetical evaluation of edible mushrooms.
3·While making the waste water hyacinth profitable, the invention reduces the dependence of the production of the edible mushrooms on the sawdust.
4·Neoempheria sp, existing in a large area and having a high morbidity. is one of the most destructive vermin in production of edible mushrooms in the east of Hubei Province.
5·The fungal immunomodulatory proteins (FIPs) are a new family of micro -proteins with immunomodulatory activities extracted from several species of medical or edible mushrooms.
6·With the expansion of mushroom cultivation area, cultivation raw material shortages has been an important factor restricting the expansion of production of edible mushrooms in our province.
7·Not all kinds of mushrooms are edible.
8·Abstract: Mushrooms in China is already the planting with a long history, used for edible and medicinal.
9·Fresh pineapple duck, cashew almond duck, curry duck, edible tree fungus duck, mushrooms duck.